The best mobile test device in its class.
The ideal all-in-one test device for medical technicians, independent service providers, anesthesia and respiratory equipment manufacturers.
The CITREX H5 gas flow and pressure gauge offers the most advanced user interface for demanding applications on a high-resolution 4.3 inch multi-touch screen. It is portable, precise and as a user, you can customize the measurement screens to suit your needs.
The CITREX H5 is designed to support you in a variety of daily applications. Thanks to its precision and reliability, you can use the CITREX H5 to test a wide range of medical devices such as respiratory and anesthesia devices, oxygen flow meters, pressure gauges and suction devices.
Apps for testing medical devices
Run tests easier and faster with our new apps.
The CITREX H5 ventilator analyser supports users with apps for testing and calibrating their devices. The apps enable safe and fast testing. Entire test sequences are displayed with images and texts, and measured automatically. The test results are recorded in a PDF report, which can be signed directly on the screen.
Dropbox Integration
Sync your results with Dropbox.
With the integration of Dropbox in the CITREX H5, customers can upload their data via Wi-Fi to their cloud storage. Only a Wi-Fi Internet connection and a Dropbox account is needed, and your data can be easily uploaded to your account. Colleagues can access measurement results, test reports, and individually designed profiles at the same time, making transfers via USB adapters unnecessary. Workflow is simplified and testing time is significantly reduced.