Meet the Team

Managing Director and Owner:

Steve Williams

Steve joined Electrotest Ltd in 2005. Prior to joining Electrotest, his career was in RF engineering and telecommunications of which most was in broadcast engineering. 

In 2006 Steve bought into Electrotest and then went on to became sole owner in 2011. He loves working with customers and building relationships. He also enjoys a good challenge. His area of focus is business development, telecommunications and special projects.

Don't ask Steve a question unless you have a lot of spare time as he loves telling you more than you need to know.

He is married with two daughters. Spare time is mostly occupied between 4 grandchildren and flying his "Green Machine".  Refer to the end of Meet the Team to see our Community Project


Nina Page - Office Administrator/Accounts

Nina is our staff member who in charge of running the office on a day to day basis.

She is responsible for our accounts and product ordering/dispatching process and her day is a busy one.

Sales Team:

Dr Hanie Mehdinezhad - Manager - Test & Measurement Division - Education, Biomedical and Manufacturers

Hanie joined Electrotest at the beginning of 2019.

Hanie operates in the Education (selling science and physics equipment to educational institutes), Biomedical and the Manufacturing sectors.

She is committed to being a success and when given a task, she sticks to it.

Mike Moradian - UPS and Power Protection

Mike is a Phd student who is both highly committed to his family, work and studies. Mike joined Electrotest in May 2023 and has stepped into the role with enthusiasm.

Basit Chollampattu- Sales Engineer - Electrical & Distribution and Power Utilities - North & South Island

Power Protection Service:

Cramond Electrical- Service Provider 

Greg Cramond and his team carry out the day to day work of servicing and installations of our vast power protection products.


Jon Forster Service Engineer

Jon is our fix it man. He runs our Service and Calibration department. If Jon can't fix it, then it most likely can't be fixed.

In his spare time Jon, joins loves jazz music, chess and automobilia.


Rosie Williams - Head of security

As tough as nails and always alert. However, does love to play at times. Battles with work and play balance but is getting there.

Community Project: Rosmini College Project Savannah S. Electrotest is sponsoring the build by students at Rosmini College for the microlight ICP Savannah S aircraft.

This is a 2 seater aircraft kit which is the next model up from the one which Steve is currently flying. You can follow the progress via this link: 

Savannah Project