LaplaCells provide a facility for rapid and efficient testing of the EMC compliance of products. These cells offer a calibrated and screened environment in which radiated emissions can be measured and immunity to RF radiation can be tested. They exceed the requirements of IEC61000-4-20, thus affording compliant testing to IEC61000-4-3 and pre-compliance testing for radiated emission testing. The Cells are a modified form of GTEM cell, using a balanced dual septum design which maximises EUT volume for a given external size of cell, and dramatically improves field linearity. The EUT volume is fully lined in structural polycarbonate capable of supporting heavy products and access is via a large, full height door at the end of the cell. Adjacent to the door is the I/O filter compartment which can be customised to suit the users requirements. USB, RS232, Parallel, Ethernet, co-ax and other product specific filters can be added at time of ordering.