The Advanced Biology Extension Bundle includes a Wireless Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor, Wireless Weather Sensor, Wireless Colorimeter and Turbidity Sensor, Wireless Conductivity Sensor, and an EcoChamber.
Measurements Include
- Absorbance and Transmittance
- Ambient Light (lux)
- Ambient Temperature
- Barometric Pressure
- Dew Point
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Electrical Conductivity of a Solution
- Heat Stress Index
- Irradiance
- Relative and Absolute Humidity
- Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Within a Solution
- Turbidity
- UV Index
- Wind Chill
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Beer's Law (absorbance vs. concentration)
- Measuring reaction rates using absorbance vs. time
- Modeling ecosystems
- Studying the diffusion of ions through membranes
- Turbidity testing and colorimetric analysis in the lab or field
- Determining the concentration of an unknown solution
- Collecting data for photosynthesis and cellular respiration in aquatic environments
- Monitoring water quality and investigating watersheds
- Performing condumetric titrations