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RF Technology Training Course - 3 days

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Are you struggling to grasp the basics of RF fundamentals? Or just a bit rusty, then our 3 day RF Technology Training Course is designed for you. This course is targeted for but not limited to:

  • both those who have not had much grounding in RF Technology
  • those wanting to refresh o the fundamentals of RF. 
  • power utility comms techs
  • LMR radio techs.l

Class size is limited to ensure maximum benefit. 25 courses held nationally so far.

If you have been on the course - please write a review.

The course comprises of both theory and practical exercises with a test at the beginning and the end to gauge the knowledge gained.

For more information please email Electrotest Ltd: info@electrotest.co.nz

Next course: To Be Decided

Venue:  To be decided

Cost $995 plus GST.

Each candidate will receive a comprehensive set of course notes.

Book on line or contact for booking.

Download Course Feedback (various responses form the 17 plus courses so far presented)

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  • The 3 day RF Technology Training Course is designed for those who have not had much grounding in RF technology. After the course you will have a good understanding of the fundamental principles and tools to assist you in your career.

    For more information please email Electrotest Ltd: info@electrotest.co.nz

    The course has the following content:

    Radio Technology Course – presented by Steve Williams

    1 -  Radio waves – basic understanding

    2 - Transmitters and Recievers

    3 - Measurements

    • The dB – what is dB and how do we use it. (dB or not dB, that is the question)
    • Engineering system gain or loss
    • What is the difference between Field Strength and Signal Strength
    • Bandwidth, modulation, noise & distortion, SINAD,…….
    • Insertion loss and Return Loss

    4 -  Impedance – basic understanding

    5- Co Axial cables - types

    6 - Antennae:

    • Basics
    • Types
    • Radiation patterns
    • Using radiation patterns to your advantage
    • Gain
    • Null out the unwanted
    •  Improve F to B ratio
    • Antennae aperture
    •  Propagation
    • Path loss
    • Basic calculation
    • Field measurements – difference between Signal Strength and Field Strength
    • System engineering

    7 - Filters, Combining and splitting systems

    • Filters
    • Types
    • Purpose
    • Star
    • Hybrid
    • Duplexers
    • Resistive

    8 - Interference and how to overcome

    • In-band
    • Out of band
    • PIM and heterodyning

    9 - General





    Great course

    I have been in the RF industry for 20 years, and knew much of this, but forgot much of it also.
    there was also a lot of new information to take in.
    There are no courses of this type out there, and the experience in the industry is getting less and less, while it is an industry that is also growing at times.
    thank you steve for making the decision to run these courses, i know I got a lot from it, as well as others will.
    there is a lot to take in, but it is definitely worth doing for anyone in the radio industry who wants to further their knowledge



    Definitely not just Radio Ga-Ga!!

    Very informative course. Good introduction-level knowledge for people with limited exposure to RF. Steve definitely knows his stuff and is always more than happy to answer questions. The in-room practicals with the testing gear helps make it understandable for novices like me. Thanks :)



    Radio Theory Training Taupo 2021

    A great course for Radio theory, Steve knows his stuff and explains it well. It has the right amount of content to challenge you and the test at the end keeps one thinking. Also a great opportunity to network with others in the industry.



    Christchurch November 2020

    Very Indepth and Informative

    Write your review

    RF Technology Training Course - 3 days

    Are you struggling to grasp the basics of RF fundamentals? Or just a bit rusty, then our 3 day RF Technology Training Course is designed for you. This course is targeted for but not limited to:

    • both those who have not had much grounding in RF Technology
    • those wanting to refresh o the fundamentals of RF. 
    • power utility comms techs
    • LMR radio techs.l

    Class size is limited to ensure maximum benefit. 25 courses held nationally so far.

    If you have been on the course - please write a review.

    The course comprises of both theory and practical exercises with a test at the beginning and the end to gauge the knowledge gained.

    For more information please email Electrotest Ltd: info@electrotest.co.nz

    Next course: To Be Decided

    Venue:  To be decided

    Cost $995 plus GST.

    Each candidate will receive a comprehensive set of course notes.

    Book on line or contact for booking.

    Download Course Feedback (various responses form the 17 plus courses so far presented)

    Download course content

    Write your review