Customers outside of New Zealand, such as Australian and Pacific Islands, to avoid paying GST, please call our Australian or New Zealand numbers and we will arrange the sale.
AUS:+61 2 913 96 981 NZ: +64 9 448 2600
Discover the transformative world of Software-Defined Radio! SDR is radically changing how we engage with radio waves. It’s one flexible solution suited to enthusiasts and experts alike, adapting effortlessly to your requirements.
Don’t be confined by conventional radios with their fixed frequencies or protocols. Monitor aircraft using ADS-B, and delve into cosmic conversations via satellite, encased in a single piece of technology!
SDR unit is truly a master key opening doors to wireless adventures. Relish in unscrambling digital transmissions, crafting your network, or revealing esoteric signals.
Step into SDR’s potent force and become part of a community striving to extend the bounds of technological possibilities.